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How to make metrics guiding CX in pharma? – Meet me in Zurich

UPDATE: Unfortunately, I had to decline joining this fabulous event due to personal reasons. So, in contrary to the initial announcement I will not be there … but kindly be replaced by my appreciated Roche colleague Stefan Tesche, speaking about “How to build a CX team that goes the extra mile – a story based on true events”. Thank you, Stefan, for jumping in!

I am looking forward to being the opening presenter at the “3rd Annual CX Management for Life Science” conference, taking place 6th-7th of October 2022. This time in real life in Zurich. I am going to represent Roche and focussing on …

  • Which are the best CX metrics in pharma business context?
  • Key considerations for implementing CX metrics in day-to-day business
  • Translating CX measurements into action

For more information, see the event website, please. In case you might be there too, feel free to nudge me, please. Would be a pleasure.

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