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Providing proof of CX commercial value @2024 CXM for Life Science

Looking forward to the 5th CX Management for Life Science conference, this year June 6-7 in Munich, Germany. This year also including a workshop provided by my esteemed colleague Rich Schwartz, who is an well-know CX (and PX) evangelist and an amazing guide with consulting individual implementations.

I myself will speak about “Providing proof of CX commercial impact & value” in a pharmaceutical company, and look forward to discuss the persuasive roles of ROI and KPIs, and … the power of success stories.

I will particularly focus on the difference between having value proof and impact evidence vs the organization and management understanding value proof and impact evidence of investments and efforts put into CX. With a small excursion on measuring efficiency (the “How”) compared to measuring effectiveness (the “Why”).

If you allow me a bit of a ‘spoiler’. TMHO, many of us are tyically and somehow naturally telling ‘what-we-are-doing’-stories (from CX team/expert perspective), aiming to demonstrate value of ourselves (the team, the expert). Where success lies more with opening the audience’s eyes (business colleagues & management) for the value that is in for them, they having more business, better business, easier life, hight market impact, etc. And that real-life success stories can internally be way more impactful than any ROI calculation.

In case you might be in Munich too, feel free to nudge me, please. Would be a pleasure.


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