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  • 4 min read

CX has no value by itself

“CX has no value by itself!”

… is a bit of a weird statement by a CX-passionate CX expert on a blog aiming to inspire on doing more CX, isn’t it?!

Let me tell you how this actually goes together and why – in my opinion – this statement is really key for the success of every CX program.

I frequently observe a temptation if not risk to CX experts that they preach a “pure doctrine” of CX, driven by their enthusiasm, their passion, if not deep conviction how effectively CX methodology works. That they speak about how great and important CX is. Sometimes I step into this trap myself. Especially when I feel a need to fight for acceptance. When I am frustrated about colleagues being resistant where the benefits seem to be so evident and clear. Or when I have (unconsciously) a personal need that the value created by me (in my CX role) or of my CX team is seen and recognized.

This temptation is not unique to the CX methodology. Actually, this is a risk with every innovative and uncommon approach, with everything that requires change. We have seen it with digital transformation, with omnichannel, with agile approaches, with AI, (in my industry) with personalised healthcare, and many more. But as neither digital nor AI etc. have any business value by themselves (except for those who sell it), CX does also not have any. It is the way, but not the destination.

CX is a way, a tool, an approach to achieve an outcome. And the outcome of CX is having more and better business.

For example, having the best customer feedback (VoC) program on the planet is nice. But it does per se not increase profit, but is more an investment, an expense. But an increase of customers, an increase of returning customers, more loyal customers, a growing market share, driven by smarter campaigns and investments following customers’ voices, this is the real business value created.

The same applies for CX metrics. Your NPS has increased! … So what?! What is the value? I mean, the real value? Beyond having an opportunity to celebrate yourself for having pushed an abstract score. I am not saying that NPS (and CSAT and CES and whatever scores you might use) would not matter. They do! They can be amazing advisors on how to perform better in the market. But … they have no value by themselves. The increase of a score figure has not given your company a single additional dime.

So, what is the best metric to demonstrate effectiveness of your CX program? Ultimately: sales figures!

I am really sorry to say. Sounds too banal? Eventually it simply is. That is what a business is about. Selling products, providing services, earning money.

And this is the reason why this simple fact is so key for the success of your CX program. Embracing that CX is an exceptionally powerful methodology to have more and better business, but that it has no value by itself will make your life easier and your CX more impactful. It will influence your internal storytelling (which should be on business growth and not on the greatness of CX), it will increase internal adoption and reduce your pain with internal ‘hesistance’. And finally open the gates for CX showing proof of success in real life.

CX needs to work in and for business, not for CX experts.

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