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Elevating Customer Service in Pharma

Claude Waddington has recently published an inspiring LinkedIn article on “Elevating Customer Service: The Synergy of Multichannel Support, Ethical Marketing, and CRM Integration” focusing on patients as customers of the pharma industry. Or “consumers” as he describes.

Claude well knows my personal concerns to call patients “consumers”. Who wants to be a “drug consumer”? I prefer more to continue advocating for seeing, taking, accepting patients as factually being the real, final customer and beneficiary of health-care and all players contributing to giving them a better life (HCPs, caregivers, hospitals, pharma industry, payers, etc.).

What I really very much like is Claude’s approach to put the patient in the center of the model! Beyond dogmatic labeling discussions, this is the key thing that needs to happen. And TMHO, neither many national healthcare systems nor pharma industry are there yet. And Claude is taking a very patient-centric perspective view on a system’s challenge.

Feel free to follow the little discussion Claude and I have under his article. And do not hesitate to share your own perspective there, please.

1 thought on “Elevating Customer Service in Pharma”

  1. Thank you, Christian. The evident potential of patient-centered health services lies in their ability to improve patient outcomes, increase satisfaction, and lower costs. The existing framework and environment are filled with captivating endeavors, including initiatives involving patient-reported results, collaborative decision-making, and patient-oriented care strategies across Multichannel Support, Marketing, and integrated Pharma Customer Service within the CRM system. This strategy establishes the groundwork for a positive effect on financial performance, highlighting its extensive significance.


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