Earlier this year, Dominic Tyer by DT Consulting has written a noteworthy article on “The state of pharma customer experience” in the online magazine PMLiVE.
The article is really worth a read! And I truly appreciate it helping to raise awareness across in the industry that – yes! – CX definitely matters and is relevant to pharma.
I feel free to quote …
CX can also drive clear business results for the leading companies, and we’ve found that HCPs will believe more in a company’s products, have a better perception of a firm, and engage more with it, if their expectations are met or exceeded.
Dominic Tyer, pmlive.com/pharma_intelligence/The_state_of_pharma_customer_experience_1486412

There is just one aspect where I am a bit reluctant, if you allow me to say.
The report also includes a 2022 benchmarking of companies across the pharma industry. And I am personally questioning if a benchmark actually tells a company how good the CX is they are providing … or just how companies map to a specific logic defined by an agency?
TMHO, benchmarks will not be telling any company how well their CX is. But customer voices and CX metrics do. Customers tell us how good we are with the experiences we are providing (which is why VoC matters so much ;-)).
The mission of CX is not to have a high ranking at some benchmark, sorry to be frank. The mission of CX is to make customers happy for having more and better business. And if customers’ happiness, trust and quality of relation increase, this should automatically result in getting a higher position in an industry benchmark. And hopefully not only in a ‘State of CX comparison’ benchmark. But also and more importantly in market position benchmarks.
I personally don’t want to depend and stare on industry benchmarks following the logic defined by vendors. I want to follow the logic of the customer, which sound more promising to me for having increasing business success and growth.
Read at …
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The author and the site declare the absence of any financial or non-financial interests, respectively any business relation with any of the companies mentioned at time of publication. The business case is exclusively shared based on meeting the editorial criteria of ‘CX Inspiration Hub’.